Redemption of Our Culture (Part 2)Sunday English Service - 04 SEP 22TranscriptPlease turn with me to Romans, chapter 1. As you know, we've been teaching on redemption in a series called “Redeemed”. And in that, we have been showing in the recent times, that since the...

Redemption of Our Culture
Redemption of Our CultureSunday English Service - 28 AUG 22TranscriptPlease turn with me to the book of Romans. Keep it there, I’m going to take a bit of time to introduce what I’m getting into today. We’ve been talking about redemption. We showed through this great...
Glorification: Redemption of our Body
Glorification: Redemption of our BodySunday English Service - 23 AUG 22TranscriptLet's go to the Word of God. Please turn with me to Romans, chapter 8. We've been teaching on redemption, in a series called,‘Redeemed’. And in order to understand redemption, we went...
The Redemption of Creation
The Redemption of CreationSunday English Service - 14 AUG 22TranscriptAll right, let's go to the Word of God. Please turn with me to Romans Chapter 8. Romans, Chapter 8. We've been teaching on redemption, the series called redeemed. For several weeks, it's a major...
What Redemption Accomplished?
What Redemption Accomplished?Sunday English Service - 31 JUL 22TranscriptPlease turn with me to Romans Chapter 5. Romans Chapter 5. We have a ditching a series on redemption. And we've titled it as Redeemed. And to learn about redemption, I think Romans is the best...
The Three Mega Changes of the New Creation
The Three Mega Changes of the New CreationSunday English Service - 24 JUL 22TranscriptPlease turn with me to 2 Corinthians chapter 5. We've been teaching a series on redemption, titled redeemed. And we've been looking at what God gave man in the beginning, when He...
Devastating consequences of man’s sin
Devastating consequences of man's sinSunday English Service - 26 June 2022TranscriptPlease turn with me to Genesis chapter 3. We’ve been doing a series on redemption titled ‘Redeemed’, talking about redemption. In order to understand what redemption all is about, we...
Jesus: The perfect picture of man, as God made him
Jesus: The perfect picture of man, as God made himSunday English Service - 19 JUN 22TranscriptPlease turn with me to Genesis chapter 1, as well as to 1 Corinthians chapter 15. Genesis chapter 1 and 1 Corinthians 15. I'm going to read both passages. Firstly, let me...
The Ruin of Humanity (Part 2)
The Ruin of Humanity (Part 2)Sunday English Service - 12 JUN 22TranscriptLet's go to the Word of God, please turn with me to Romans chapter three. We've been teaching on redemption, a series called redeemed. And in order to understand what we are redeemed from, and...
The Ruin of Humanity
The Ruin of HumanitySunday English Service - 05 JUN 22TranscriptWe've been teaching a series on redemption, titled Redeemed. And in order to understand what we have been redeemed from, we really need to know what was given to us originally then only can we know what...
The Redemption of Our Emotions
The Redemption of Our Emotions Sunday English Service – 22 MAY 22 TranscriptPlease turn with me to Psalm 77. Psalm 77, we have been doing the series that we've titled as Redeemed, talking about redemption. We particularly talked about what we're redeemed from, that...
Redemption of our body: Through dedication and care
Redemption of our body: Through dedication and care Sunday English Service – 15 MAY 22 TranscriptPlease turn with me to 1 Corinthians chapter 6. We have been doing a series titled ‘Redeemed.’ And we particularly talked about one particular area of redemption that is...