Abounding Grace (Vol 30) – The Prodigal Son’s Homecoming!

Abounding Grace (Vol 30) - The Prodigal Son's Homecoming!Sunday English Service - 24 JAN 21TranscriptAs you know we've been doing a series on the grace of God and we called this series, “Abounding Grace”. It's about how grace abounds much more than sin, and how it...

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Abounding Grace (Vol 29) – The Power of Forgiveness

Abounding Grace (Vol 29) - The Power of ForgivenessSunday English Service - 17 JAN 21TranscriptWe have been doing a series on grace and we have titled the series is abounding grace. The title comes from Romans chapter five and verse 20, where the apostle Paul says,...

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Abounding Grace (Vol 28) – Sonship

Abounding Grace (Vol 28) - SonshipSunday English Service - 10 JAN 21TranscriptWe've been doing a series on grace and we’ve titled the series as “Abounding Grace”. The title comes from Romans chapter 5, verse 20, where the Apostle Paul says, “Where sin abounded, grace...

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Abounding Grace (Vol 27) – Repentance

Abounding Grace (Vol 27) - RepentanceSunday English Service - 03 JAN 21TranscriptI trust that you're all doing well by the grace of God. We have come into the new year, 2021. I pray with all my heart and wish that you will have a very blessed year in every way in...

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