How Grace Changes Us? (Part 12): Fruit of the Spirit Sunday English Service – 13 FEB 22 TranscriptPlease turn with me to 1 Corinthians, chapter 13. 1 Corinthians, chapter 13. We've been teaching a series called “Abounding grace”. The apostle Paul said in Romans 5,...

How Grace Changes Us? (Part 11): Endurance
How Grace Changes Us? (Part 11): Endurance Sunday English Service – 06 FEB 22 TranscriptWe’ve been preaching about abounding grace, talking about how the grace of God changes our lives. Sin comes in and ruins our lives. And the grace of God comes in, and not only...
How Grace Changes Us? (Part 10): Truth
How Grace Changes Us? (Part 10): Truth Sunday English Service – 30 JAN 22 TranscriptPlease turn with me to 1 Corinthians chapter 13, please. 1 Corinthians chapter 13. Remember we have been teaching on “Abounding grace” and the term “abounding grace” comes from Romans...
How Grace Changes Us? (Part 9): Pride
How Grace Changes Us? (Part 9): Pride Sunday English Service – 23 JAN 22 TranscriptI trust and hope that you're all keeping safe and doing well, by the grace of God. We're still continuing our services online only thank God for the facilities that we have available...
How Grace Changes Us? (Part 7): Peace
How Grace Changes Us? (Part 7): Peace Sunday English Service – 09 JAN 22 TranscriptPlease turn with me to Colossians, chapter 3. As you know, we've been teaching on “Abounding Grace”. In this teaching, we came to 1 Corinthians 13, if you remember. And in 1 Corinthians...
How Grace Changes Us? (Part 6): Kindness
How Grace Changes Us? (Part 6): KindnessSunday English Service - 02 JAN 22TranscriptPlease turn with me to Ephesians, chapter 4 and let me read to you from verse 29 onwards. And also keep turned to John's Gospel, chapter 15. I will read Ephesians first: Let no corrupt...
How Grace Changes Us? (Part 5): Forgiveness
Abounding Grace (Vol.48) - How Grace Changes Us? (Part-5)Sunday English Service - 19 DEC 21TranscriptComing Soon!Similar TopicRelated Videos
How Grace Changes Us? (Part-4)
Abounding Grace (Vol. 47) - How Grace Changes Us? (Part-4)Sunday English Service - 05 DEC 21TranscriptPlease turn to 1 Corinthians, chapter 13. 1 Corinthians, chapter 13. In the last three weeks, we talked about how grace changes us, right? How God's grace changes us:...
How Grace Changes Us? (Part-3)
Abounding Grace (Vol. 46) - How Grace Changes Us? (Part-3)Sunday English Service - 28 NOV 21TranscriptPlease turn with me to Galatians chapter five. We've been dealing with this passage for the last two weeks. I want to deal with it one more time. Talking about...
How Grace Changes Us? (Part-2)
Abounding Grace (Vol. 45) - How Grace Changes Us? (Part-2)Sunday English Service - 21 NOV 21TranscriptPlease turn with me to Galatians, chapter 5. Galatians, chapter 5 and let me read to you from verse 16 onwards; verse 16, all the way up to verse 25. Galatians...
How Grace Changes Us?
Abounding Grace (Vol. 44) - How Grace Changes Us?Sunday English Service - 14 NOV 21TranscriptPlease turn with me to the Galatians, Paul’s epistle to the Galatians. Let me read to you from verse 16, all the way to verse 25. Paul’s epistle to the Galatians, chapter 5,...
The Freedom that comes through the Cross
Abounding Grace (Vol.43) - The Freedom that comes through the CrossSunday English Service - 07 NOV 21TranscriptPlease turn with me to Galatians, chapter 5. I'd like to read from two portions in Galatians chapter 5. In chapter 5, I'll read from verse 10 to 13 and in...