Home Campaign India
Campaign India
Today, India is one of the fastest growing nations in the world, with a robust economic growth and diverse cultures. India is fast becoming an important hub for many business giants and Multi National corporations in the fields of Automotives, Telecommunication, Finances, Information Technology and Outsourcing services. One can confidently say that right now, India is a land of opportunities.
But there is another side of this country – A vast majority, who live in the villages. Out of the 1.1 billion population (approximately), India consists of 600,000 villages and most of these people have not been reached with the Gospel. So, with the sole aim of taking the Good News to the unreached people, Pastor Sam conceived and executed The India Harvest plan.
Since 1990 Pastor Sam, along with Evangelist Jerry and Marilyn O’dell and Evangelist Stephan Steinle, has reached about 10 Million people through 186 campaigns in the remotest villages of India, through the India Harvest Plan. Every year, many such campaigns are held and hundreds of thousands of people hear the good news and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Each time, it is overwhelming to see the deaf hear, the blind see, the lame walk and people being set free from all kinds of chains and bondages.
Meticulous planning is done before each campaign. Long before the meeting, a pastor is already trained and is ready to start a new church in that village. Then the meeting is conducted for 2 or 3 days. All the people who commit their lives to Christ are directed to join the new church in the locality, thus ensuring their continuous spiritual growth. After a few months, these pastors, in turn start new churches in nearby villages. They also send students to our Bible college, who after their graduation go back to their villages and plant more churches. Thus the multiplication of church planting continues and thereby touching more lives.
Some of the ongoing activities of India Harvest Plan are:
- Buying land and building churches in the villages where meetings are conducted.
- Regular follow-up of the growth of the churches.
- Regular training for the pastors through Pastors’ Conference
Click here to see some of the activities around India Harvest Plan.
We know that the India Harvest Plan will continue to touch millions of people in the subcontinent and establish Jesus as the Lord and Saviour of their lives.
Write to us at contact@revsam.org if you would like to know more and get involved with India Harvest Plan.