(Part 2/3 – A summary of the Sunday morning teaching on 01-Nov-15, in AFT Church, English service. From the series The Foundation For Victorious Living)
Similarly, many of us Christians also have a selfish tendency. We live in a religious box assuming that we are the only bride of Christ. But the reality is that God is preparing a large community of people to be His bride. If we faithfully preach the Gospel, God will make the harvest grow in plenty. In fact we will be so surprised to see hosts of believers in Heaven from every far-flung place of this world.
So let’s rid ourselves of our Christian elitist supremacies. Let us remember that there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all. Like Paul reminds us, Christ has broken down the middle wall of partition between the Jews and the Gentiles. Let us reflect on that profound truth and let our churches be places of children of God different in color, creed and size but united by the love of Jesus. Let us live out a multi racial, multi cultural, multi linguistic and multi ethnic community of Jesus followers on earth. After all, the song of our hearts is the same – of the love of our Redeemer!
The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying:
“Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you.
Jeremiah 31:3
Length implies the endless character of God’s love.
God’s love originated way back before anything was created in this world. The Trinity made the Covenant of Redemption amongst themselves. God the Father planned it. He knew that man would sin and need a Savior. So He prepared His Son Jesus Christ to come to this world as the Savior. The Son would die on the Cross and redeem mankind. The Holy Spirit was to win people to Christ when the Gospel was preached.
This assures us that God’s love for us will never change. Nothing we do or do not do can change God’s love for us. The story of the Prodigal Son testifies this love. The wayward younger son of a Father took his share and left the house. But when he was completely spent and ruined, he crept back to his father hoping to be taken back at least as a servant. But the Father was awaiting his return. He not only welcomed him back as his son but also held a feast in his son’s honor. The Father loved him before he left home, while he was away and even after he returned home. His love hadn’t changed at all. Our Heavenly Father loves us in the same way. Jesus came not because God suddenly decided to shower love on us, but because He always loved us.
Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.
Hebrews 7:25
In the olden times, the High Priest went into the Temple to offer sacrifices once a year. But today Jesus is our High Priest. He is interceding for us constantly. He will continue to shower us with that love until the end of ages.
…to be continued…